More residency positions for Canadians!



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We need more residency positions. More residency positions can be created if we press the federal government to replace foreigners with Canadian citizens and permanent residents by enforcing the provisions of the Immigration Act which requires Canadians to come first. If we stop allowing foreigners to use up our training resources and taking our training jobs, residency positions will have to be filled by Canadians.
In 2010, the federal government exempted foreigners applying for a visa to work in a residency position from having to prove through a Labour Market Impact Analysis (LMIA) that (a) there is no Canadian able to fill the position and (b) that allowing a foreigner fill the position is not hurting Canadians interests. This exemption is called Bulletin 230.
SOCASMA filed an application for the revocation of this which allows foreigners to take residency training jobs that should go to Canadians. There are currently about 310 residency positions in Canada filled by foreigners. Currently there are only 346 residency positions in the IMG Stream.
This is important to all Canadians.
Press the federal government to replace foreigners with Canadian citizens and permanent residents by writing, or even better meeting, with your federal Member of Parliament, as well as Minister Mendicino and Minister Qualtrough. Click on the link below to access instructions and a template letter : (1)

Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour un modèle de lettre en français:
Lettre en francais

Additional information and background information is also available by clicking the following links:
Backgrounder access to the medical profession in Canada 20.01.14

Backgrounder for LMIA reinstatement 20.01.14

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