The Discrimination that IMGs face in the Medical Profession



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Summary of Discrimination IMGs face in the Medical Profession Canadians who graduated from international medical schools are oppressed and by any objective definition second class citizens in Canada. The government in a free and democratic country such as Canada, by law, must treat all its members equally. While it is fair to require Canadian citizens […]

Understanding Access to Licensing in Medicine



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How the System Works. CMG:  graduates of Canadian and American medical schools IMGs:  graduates of international medical schools   To become licensed to practice medicine one must: Have a medical degree from a school on the World Directory of Medical Schools;   2. Worked in entry level job in medicine called residency training or postgraduate […]

Is there a doctor shortage in Canada?



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Physician Shortage Is there a doctor shortage in Canada?  About 5 million Canadians cannot find a family physician.  We wait months to see a specialist.  People experiencing severe mental illness generally wait months and in some cases over a year to see a psychiatrist.  We wait months and even years for surgery. However, it is […]