Sample letters for Ontario political action for Statements of Needs



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Write to the candidates in your riding.  Encourage people you know in swing ridings to write their candidates. Dear Mr. / Ms. XXXXX: I would like to seek your support in addressing an unfortunate injustice in the Ontario Health System that is preventing a number of Ontario medical students who study in the United States […]

Swing Ridings in Ontario



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Further to our post below about the need to take political action in Ontario to ensure that we do not face the devastation of matching and then having the training position taken away because Canada refuses to issue a Statement of Need, here are the swing ridings: Ridings where the election results are most uncertain […]

Political action required in Ontario to save access to American residency training



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UPDATE:  September 10, 2018.  Since this call to action was made, CSAs and their families took action.  As a result of CSA action including engagement of political representatives, the restrictions on Statements of Needs have been removed.  There are no more limits on the number of Statements of Needs nor the disciplines in which a […]