Resources: Books



POSTED IN For Students

Medical school involves buying lots of books, most of them for courses that you use once.  Listed below are books that have been recommended for the big exams…

Resources: CaRMS applications



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

This post will go through the application in general so that you know what you need to get together in advance, as well as any tips we’ve gathered.  Check out this great page on the CaRMS website for the big headings before you read this article!

Resources: Interviewing



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

Interviews for CaRMS generally happen in January/February of your final year.  They structure of the interview depends on the specialty, ie family medicine may have one interview with a panel of 3, whereas obgyn may have 3 interviews in a day with a panel of 4 each.  Read on to understand how to prepare for and […]

Resources: Reference letters



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

Asking for a letter of reference is tricky business.  You never see the letter itself, but it can make or break your CaRMS application.  Here are some tips on how to ask for one, and how to make the process easy for preceptors (they will thank you for that!).

Resources: Clinical Electives



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

Canadian clinical electives are of vital importance to CaRMS.  Most programs require 6-8 weeks of Canadian experience, and this is the time to get it.  Most schools will only accept you if you are in your final year (this includes the summer before final year).  Read on to get tips about how to get an […]




POSTED IN For Students

SOCASMA is a society based in Canada whose aim is to help Canadians Studying medicine Abroad (CSAs) come back to Canada.  On the picture below, the red stars are the countries where our members attend school.  Don’t see a star where you go to medical school?  Join us so we can add one!