Lobbying Quebec’s Elected Officials / Lettre aux élus du Québec



POSTED IN Lobbying

Attention Quebec residents who study medicine abroad! Now is the time to write, call and/or meet your Quebec Member of Assembly or Minister of Health seeking her support to establish for 2020 onward a level playing field for all qualified Canadians applying for residency training in Canada. It is also an opportunity to request that equal access be established to compete for the same medical residency positions on the same terms for all qualified medical graduates who are Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents, including Canadian Medical School Graduates (CMGs), International Medical Graduates (IMGs) & United States Medical Graduates (USMGs), for 2020 onward. See attached template that has been prepared specifically for Quebec as the situation is slightly different than other provinces. The template letter is available in both English and French. (Click below Lobbying Template indicated in orange.) Please use this template letter, but do adapt it to your own situation. The SOCASMA SEVEN document that is referenced in the template letter is posted separately. This document outlines several areas for improvement where residency training is concerned. Again we stress the importance of writing and even better, of calling or meeting with your elected officials. Summer is a good time to meet with your MPP or MLA as they usually attend to many community functions for the purpose of connecting with their constituents and hearing about their concerns.
Lobby template Quebec
Lettre francais Quebec

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