Equal Chance. One minute of your time can help stop discrimination



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Equality is more than just a word. International medical graduates face barriers that are discriminatory and the antithesis of equality. It is upon us to make FAIR and EQUAL access to the medical profession a reality.
SOCASMA has partnered with the Institute for Canadian Citizenship to fight for the right for EQUAL CHANCE. Equal Chance means that all Canadian citizens and permanent residents upon passing the MCCQE1 and NAC OSCE can compete for all residency positions on the same terms as graduates of Canadian and American medical schools.
Success is dependent on the numbers of people who are prepared to show their support.
SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND SHARE! It will take less than one minute.
Just click on this link and fill out your name and email address. https://www.inclusion.ca/equalchance/
Your name will not be released to any organizations. We will simply be using the numbers of people who signed up in support to show the government that the unfair barriers faced by internationally trained doctors in Canada will no longer be tolerated. NUMBERS matter!
The campaign is called: Give an #EqualChance to all doctors. For more information, see
A small bit of time which can lead to a significant result. Ask your friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbours to sign up as well.
We can make a difference. It was not that long ago that government policy placed barriers to our training in the USA. That was changed through our voices. Barriers to our training in Canada can and will change too.

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