CSAs matched to US are denied Statements of Need



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Please HELP students who matched to American residency positions keep their match. Students are devastated! Please write in their support. It is half hour or an hour of your time. It is their lives.

The problem and how the system works

There aren’t enough residency positions in Canada. So many students go to the US to train.

After a student matches to an American program he needs a work visa from the US. One of the requirements of the visa most commonly endorsed by American residency positions (J1 visa) is that Health Canada issues a Statement of Need saying that Canada has a need for that particular type of physician.

The process: each province gives Health Canada a list of the type of specialties that they will endorse. Health Canada adds it up and produces a Statement of Need. Then these Statements of Needs are handed out to students who matched to an American residency program on a first come first serve basis. There is no differentiation as to which province the student is from. Some provinces like Ontario have endorsed zero Statements of Needs which is unfair to its students and to other provinces.

Health Canada opened for applications at 1 pm on Match Day. We have heard from students whose emails went through within less than 15 minutes of 1 o’clock who have been denied Statements of Needs.

We have received heartbreaking calls and communications from dozens of students who have matched to American programs but have been denied a Statement of Need. They have asked for reconsideration, but the provinces have said no. These young people have spent a minimum of 4 years working to the sacrifice of most other things, written not just their school exams but Canadian and American exams as well, scored at levels higher than Americans so they had a reasonable chance to match, incurred debt, and matched. Only to find that their country has taken them out at the knees by denying them a Statement of Need frustrating their ability to do their residency training.

Hardest hit are Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, and Diagnostic Radiology.

Statements of Needs are supposed to be issued if there is a need. This is not being done. For example, government documents show that Ontario despite a physician shortage and long waiting lists typically does not endorse any Statements of Needs.

-PLEASE urge family, friends, and especially physicians you know across Canada to write to their provincial representative, copying Health Canada, and others (contact information is at the end of this document) to stop limiting training of Canadians in the US and to please issue Statements of Needs to the students who have been denied. The message is that there is a need and this current action is contrary to the public interest. We will regret it in the future.

Here is a table that compares the number of Statements of Needs for ALL of Canada[1] to the job openings posted today with BC’s physician recruiting agency:


Discipline Statements of Needs Approved for ALL of Canada Current job openings in British Columbia alone. (Health Match BC)
Anesthesiology 25 35
Internal Medicine 165 36 generalists (subspecialists listed separately on the website.)
Pediatrics 30 36
Diagnostic Radiology 15 18


In BC we do not train enough doctors to meet the attrition each year from retirement, etc.

Doctors of BC estimates attrition of approximately 400-450 physicians each year. Number of residency positions in 2017—346.

[1] The link to number of Statements of Needs approved by Health Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-care-system/health-human-resources/statements-need-postgraduate-medical-training-united-states/list-needed-specialties-issuing-statements-need-under-category.html

Where to write

  1. Your Provincial representative on the Statement of Need Committee.   Here is the link to the representative for each of the provinces. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-care-system/health-human-resources/statements-need-postgraduate-medical-training-united-states/united-states.html

In BC the person’s name is Catherine Omuti. The email is welcome@healthmatchbc.org

In BC another key player is Paul Clarke Telephone Number: 250 952-1396; Fax Number: 250 952-2125; Email: Paul.Clarke@gov.bc.ca

  1. Copy your email to the following:
  1. Health Canada J1 manager Lindsey Williams (613-617-8069): j1visa@hc-sc.gc.ca
  2. Minister of Health Canada Ginette Petitpas Taylor: Email:HCMinister.MinistreSC@canada.ca
  3. Your provincial Minister of Health: Available on line
  4. IN BC: hlth.health@gove.bc.ca and/or Adrian.dix.mla@leg.bc.ca

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