BC is hiring specialists



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HealthMatch BC is holding several career fairs and webinars for physicians.

For Specialists

October 29th at 11am PST:  Webinar coming up for SPECIALIST PHYSICIANS with international training.

You can register here:  https://www.healthmatchbc.org/Webinars.aspx


November 17 at 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PST:  Career fair aimed at SPECIALISTS.  At this event you will be able to attend presentations in a virtual auditorium, meet and talk to recruiters at virtual booths, and participate in live Q & A.

You can register here:  www.bchealthcarejobs.com


There is also an event sponsored by CFPC for family physicians.

For Family Physicians: 

November 4-7:  Family Medicine Forum Virtual Conference.  You can get more details and register here:  https://fmf.cfpc.ca/when-where/

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