CMA Equity and Diversity Policy seeks equality for all–on paper.



POSTED IN Lobbying

In the Spring of 2020, the Canadian Medical Association released its Policy on Equity and Diversity, a policy which aligns with the fundamental principles of what it means to be Canadian:

“Equity in the medical profession is achieved when every person has the opportunity to realize their full potential to create and sustain a career without being unfairly impeded by discrimination or any other characteristic-related bias or barrier.  To achieve this, physicians must 1) recognize that structural inequities that privilege some at the expense of others exist in training and practice environments and 2) commit to reducing these by putting in place measures that make recruitment, retention, and advancement opportunities more accessible, desirable, and achievable.”

Click to access the :

CMA Equity and Diversity Policy

Unfortunately the CMA is unprepared to do more than talk about equality.  The problem is that the majority of  CMA members graduated from Canadian medical schools and believe that they are entitled to be given entry level jobs in the profession even if there are Canadians who graduated from international medical schools who are more qualified.  To protect access to licensing for graduates of Canadian and American medical schools, Canadians who are graduates of international medical schools are restricted to  10% of the resident physician jobs in Canada. The other 90% of resident physician jobs are protected for Canadian and American medical schools to ensure that none are displaced by more competent Canadians who are international graduates.  Without experience working as a resident physician one cannot become licensed.

Click on the following links to access SOCASMA’s dialogue with the CMA.

SOCASMA’S letter to the CMA dated June 16, 2020 (in Word and PDF format)

Correspondence to CMA 20.06.16

Response from CMA:: CMA LF 20.09.28.

SOCASMA’S reply to CMA’s response: CMA LT 20.09.28

CMA’s reply 20.09.30: Follow-up to our conversation of July 3 Equity and Diversity

Please also read Malcolm McFarlane’s blog in the CMAJ.  We encourage you to join the discussion by commenting to Malcolm’s blog.


CMA Policy on equity and diversity in medicine encouraging for International Medical Graduates

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