Resources: General Advice



POSTED IN For Families, For Students

You must be a member in order to view the links.  Join up now! Read this after perusing the timelines that have been posted. As you go through medical school, there will be A LOT going on in your life.

Resources: Books



POSTED IN For Students

Medical school involves buying lots of books, most of them for courses that you use once.  Listed below are books that have been recommended for the big exams…

Resources: CaRMS applications



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

This post will go through the application in general so that you know what you need to get together in advance, as well as any tips we’ve gathered.  Check out this great page on the CaRMS website for the big headings before you read this article!

Resources: Interviewing



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

Interviews for CaRMS generally happen in January/February of your final year.  They structure of the interview depends on the specialty, ie family medicine may have one interview with a panel of 3, whereas obgyn may have 3 interviews in a day with a panel of 4 each.  Read on to understand how to prepare for and […]

Resources: Reference letters



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

Asking for a letter of reference is tricky business.  You never see the letter itself, but it can make or break your CaRMS application.  Here are some tips on how to ask for one, and how to make the process easy for preceptors (they will thank you for that!).

Resources: Clinical Electives



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

Canadian clinical electives are of vital importance to CaRMS.  Most programs require 6-8 weeks of Canadian experience, and this is the time to get it.  Most schools will only accept you if you are in your final year (this includes the summer before final year).  Read on to get tips about how to get an […]




POSTED IN For Students

SOCASMA is a society based in Canada whose aim is to help Canadians Studying medicine Abroad (CSAs) come back to Canada.  On the picture below, the red stars are the countries where our members attend school.  Don’t see a star where you go to medical school?  Join us so we can add one!

A Must Read: Applying to BC for Residency



POSTED IN For Students, Resources

First of all, read through the BC IMG website.  SOCASMA requested clarification of a few points found on that website, and here they are, courtesy of Dr Snadden in September 2013. 1.  Residency Requirements “…as well as requiring passing scores in the NAC OSCE and the MCCEE exams the selection process will be looking at […]

Useful Websites



POSTED IN For Families, For Students

If you think of other helpful websites, please comment below!

Author Archives: Shannon

About Shannon

A University College Dublin graduate, just completed her family medicine residency June 2014. Currently working as a family physician. Personally knows the obstacles faced in matching to Canada. Contact for questions related to Student Support.
  1. Resources: General Advice

    Comments Off on Resources: General Advice

    You must be a member in order to view the links.  Join up now!

    Read this after perusing the timelines that have been posted.

    As you go through medical school, there will be A LOT going on in your life.


  2. Resources: Books

    Comments Off on Resources: Books

    Medical school involves buying lots of books, most of them for courses that you use once.  Listed below are books that have been recommended for the big exams…


  3. Resources: CaRMS applications

    Comments Off on Resources: CaRMS applications

    This post will go through the application in general so that you know what you need to get together in advance, as well as any tips we’ve gathered.  Check out this great page on the CaRMS website for the big headings before you read this article!


  4. Resources: Interviewing

    Comments Off on Resources: Interviewing

    Interviews for CaRMS generally happen in January/February of your final year.  They structure of the interview depends on the specialty, ie family medicine may have one interview with a panel of 3, whereas obgyn may have 3 interviews in a day with a panel of 4 each.  Read on to understand how to prepare for and kill your interviews!


  5. Resources: Reference letters

    Comments Off on Resources: Reference letters

    Asking for a letter of reference is tricky business.  You never see the letter itself, but it can make or break your CaRMS application.  Here are some tips on how to ask for one, and how to make the process easy for preceptors (they will thank you for that!).


  6. Resources: Clinical Electives

    Comments Off on Resources: Clinical Electives

    Canadian clinical electives are of vital importance to CaRMS.  Most programs require 6-8 weeks of Canadian experience, and this is the time to get it.  Most schools will only accept you if you are in your final year (this includes the summer before final year).  Read on to get tips about how to get an elective, what to do on elective, and what to do afterwards!


  7. Who is SOCASMA?

    Comments Off on Who is SOCASMA?

    SOCASMA is a society based in Canada whose aim is to help Canadians Studying medicine Abroad (CSAs) come back to Canada.  On the picture below, the red stars are the countries where our members attend school.  Don’t see a star where you go to medical school?  Join us so we can add one! (more…)

  8. A Must Read: Applying to BC for Residency

    Comments Off on A Must Read: Applying to BC for Residency

    First of all, read through the BC IMG website.  SOCASMA requested clarification of a few points found on that website, and here they are, courtesy of Dr Snadden in September 2013.

    1.  Residency Requirements

    “…as well as requiring passing scores in the NAC OSCE and the MCCEE exams the selection process will be looking at performance in the selection interview and for evidence of clinical experience in the applicants file. The BC IMG Clinical assessment program* will continue to be one way for all IMGs to demonstrate their competencies in a valid and reliable way and while not a requirement for success in the CaRMS match, it is one factor that may increase applicants’ chances of successful matching.  At the moment the Ministry of Health has advised us that they would like to have BC residency as a requirement of application to the BC IMG Assessment program. The residency requirement for that program has been streamlined and is described on our IMG Website.”

     *Now called the “Clinical Assessment Program”.

    (September 4, 2013)

    2.  Language Requirements 

    “Current language requirements to be given an educational license in BC by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC ( are By-laws of the CPSBC and therefore outside of our jurisdiction, you will note that some Canadian students who are native English speakers will require to take language tests if the environment in which they trained does not meet the above criteria and if they require an educational licence. That applies both to students seeking electives and to those applying for residency programs.”

    (September 4,2013)

    “We have had many cases of IMGs being blindsided by our prompt for proof of English Language Proficiency (ELP) during the NAC OSCE application process. They did not ignore our website info that directs them to the College ELP policy; they simply did not read the list of acceptable countries and assumed that as their training was conducted entirely in English they would not have produce proof of ELP. A good example would be grads from Saba in Netherland Antilles. I’d like to suggest that a line be added to remind the IMGs to access the link of acceptable countries posted by CPSBC.”

    (September 14, 2013)


  9. Useful Websites

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    If you think of other helpful websites, please comment below!
