Resources: Books



POSTED IN For Students

Medical school involves buying lots of books, most of them for courses that you use once.  Listed below are books that have been recommended for the big exams…

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1.  Toronto Notes – the bible!
-A very comprehensive “quick” reference guide.  Pros – it comes with 2 pocket books that you can carry along with you on the wards, comes with online access, covers the horses AND zebras, lab values are presented in both SI and metric units and it’s updated yearly. Buy this as soon as possible and get to know it, inside and out! Forms the basis for the MCCEE, MCCQE1, and MCCQE2!

2. First Aid for the Match
– Very helpful for personal letters, matching and interviews, even if you are not applying to the States.  Even better if you are going to the States. Targeted and organized by specialty.

3. Doing it Right
-All about Canadian Ethics, so useful for the MCCEE, MCCQE1 and MCCQE2 exams.  A surprisingly easy read considering the topic.  Does far better in covering Canadian ethics than the Toronto Notes chapter.

4. Master the Boards: Pediatrics
-More in-depth resource for pediatrics.  Mostly for people looking to go above the Toronto Notes amount of information, or for those considering pediatrics residencies.

5. MedStudy Internal Medicine Core Curriculum
-More in-depth resource for internal medicine.  Unnecessary unless you are attempting to get into internal medicine, or love internal medicine and want to get more information than Toronto Notes gives you.

6. First Aid for the (insert area here)
-Regardless if you are entering the US match or not, the whole First Aid series can be quite useful as an adjunct to Toronto Notes.

Disclaimer-we have no association with Amazon.  The links provided are solely to show you the correct book.

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