Frequently Asked Questions:




Listed below are questions frequently asked about SOCASMA.  Read and learn about what we do, why we do it and how we work.  If you have any additional questions, please send us an email so we can answer your questions and then post them here.

Acronyms and Definitions:

What does SOCASMA stand for?
Society Of Canadians Studying Medicine Abroad.

What is a CMG?  A Canadian or American medical school graduate.

What is an IMG?  An international medical school graduate.

What is a CSA?  A Canadian studying medicine abroad, ie, outside of Canada or the U.S.A.  CSAs are IMGs.

Other acronyms I should know about?

About Residency:

What is a medical resident?  

Who controls the residency selection process?

Has the residency selection process always been the same?

What does a first class and second class competition stream look like?    

Why are IMGs not eligible to compete against CMGs for positions in the first iteration of the CMG stream of CaRMS?

Why do CMGs study abroad?

Are CSAs and their families fully aware of the barriers to resident positions when they choose to study medicine abroad?

Do CSAs study abroad because they cannot get into Canadian medical schools?

Do CSAs pay substantially higher tuition for medical schools?

Are CSAs less qualified to practice medicine than CMGs?

Public Interest

Isn’t it in the public interest to make sure that our medical school graduates get jobs?

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